
The soul is deceived when it trusts to worldly policy & human inventions instead of trusting in God. Can man find a better guide than Jesus? A better counselor in doubt & trial?A better defense in danger? To set aside the wisdom of God for human wisdom is a soul-destroying delusion. When men are not under the [influence] of the Word & Spirit of God, they are captives of Satan & we know not to what lengths he may lead them in sin. The patriarch Jacob beheld those who take pleasure in wickedness. He saw what would be the result of association with them & in the Spirit he exclaimed, “O my soul, come not thou into their secret; unto their assembly, mine honour, be not thou united”.  (Genesis 49:6). He lifts up the danger signal, to warn every soul against such associations. The apostle Paul echoes the warning: “Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness”. (Eph. 5:11). “Be not deceived: Evil company corrupts good manners” (1 Cor. 15:33). If you would see what man will do when he rejects the influence of the grace of God, look to that scene when the infuriated mob, headed by Jewish priests & elders, clamored for the life of the Son of God. See the divine Sufferer standing by the side of Barabbas & Pilate asking which he should release to them. The hoarse cry, swelled by hundreds of passionate, Satan- inspired voices, “Away with this man & release to us Barabbas” (#Luke 23:18)! When Pilate asked what was to be done with Jesus they cried, “Crucify him, crucify him” (Luke 23:21)! 2 SM 129. #egw #selectedmessagesbook2

#Jesus #Counselor #God #wisdom EGW Inspirational Quotes 🕊️

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